04.14.2005 -- 9:02 am

Did anyone watch the supervolcano movie? caused a terrible (now reoccuring) dream for me.
In the movie, they have a "Walk for Life" after the volcano stops erupting, but before FEMA could send out help all over. So in the dream, I'm in the walk with a big group of strangers....(oddly the walk isn't shown in the movie) and we're all walking on this ash. We come up to a house where you can see the roof and about one foot of where the porch area. there were beams going from the porch to the roof. Directly behind one of the beams I notice something. I walk over to inspect it, and it's a baby....pretty clean, not really covered in ash....breathing shallowly. Some one in the group quieltly says "People are just tring to survive...." I start crying, put the baby dow, take off my jacket and the scarf around my face (for smoke inhalation), swaddle the baby and keep walking.
In the dream I am completly aware that the baby will most likely not make it till we get help, and yet I can't just leave it. This dream is haunting me. I can't get away from it. Sometimes I shouldn't watch TV....

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I'm a wife and a mother.....go figure....

Can't wait....
to get out of New York

to be happy...